Birthday boy:
Leave Pass, our hare, sent the walkers around a comfortably familiar circuit, but added an innovative loop and creek crossing for the runners. (They almost missed it since they are as well trained as Pavlov's dogs themselves.) Pizza and lasagna (what else?) followed. Thanks, Mr. Hare!
Here's a fairly recent shot of Where's the Beef? hashing in Vietnam with all his friends. He reports that "In Your Dreams couldn't make it as she was too busy throwing parties for Japanese ladies" and that for "some unknown reason...Le W#nk was trying to get invited." We look forward to meeting up with all members of our Tokyo chapter in Fiji next year.
And here's a picture of Superhacker and friend in typical pose in the Qantas lounge in Changi. Hope she made it to her flight home.
Next run details
When: Sunday 30th April, 4 pm
Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village
Hares: Floater and Scratchit
On, on!