Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Fine dining at Dayboro

The views were (as usual) spectacular in Dayboro this Sunday - both from the hares' veranda and from various points along the well-marked trail. It was a perfect autumn day for a varied outing that packed in hills and valleys, gravel, grass, bitumen, suburban streets, parks and paddocks. Despite the long weekend there were some 22 of us there to enjoy it....

A fine dining experience followed, with our hares laying on a gourmet BBQ (home-grown burgers and snags, a selection of salads and numerous piquant condiments) followed by a selection of trifles. Many thanks, hares! (And thanks also for the lavish gifts of home-grown fruit we all came away with!)

The following shots from the run come courtesy of LFC.

The first runners set off - through the gate:

Now - find the flour!

That rare Dayboro animal - the avocado tree-climbing hare:

And here's a Dayboro sunset. Aaahhh:

Next weekend is another long one. We'll celebrate Labour Day in our usual fashion...and Leave Pass is already labouring away setting the trail. Expect lots of rain on Sunday - he is. And you may wish to bring a chair.

Next run details
When: Sunday 1st May, 4 pm
Where: Leave Pass's Workers' Collective HQ
Hare: Leave Pass

(If you need directions for this run, please email us at samfordhash@gmail.com)

On, on!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Chasing through Fitzgibbon Chase

Our hares took us on a flour chase through Fitzgibbon Chase this Sunday. It's always good to explore a new area, and this is a very new area indeed! (If the houses were human, they'd be toddlers, if not newborns....) It provided for an interesting mix of bush and burb running and walking - and some tricky checkbacks. Those who were keeping a tally counted 2 hills on the route, though you really had to be on the lookout to notice them. Thanks, hares!

It was good to see Eloise - now a "terrible 2" year old - and to welcome Tabitha (7 weeks old) on her first Hash outing.

The younger set tucks in:

Tinkerbell has been a pretty frequent visitor over the last few months, and his son has accompanied him to several of our runs. The poor young fellow had never been named - despite having been on outings with other Hash groups as well - so we remedied this situation. Following a traditional ceremony, and in keeping with a family theme, he will hereafter be known as Hook. Watch out for crocodiles, mate!

Floater (aka "Camino Ky") has been posting some triffic pictures of her Camino trek on the occasions when she's been able to get a connection. Here are a few scenic shots, including one of her pack contents and one of some people who appear to have frozen to death in the accommodation:


Next run details
When: Sunday 24th April, 4 pm
Where: Banger and Make an Offer's Dayboro dacha
Hares: Make an Offer and Banger

On, on!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

One-hill run

Eweshggr promised us a hill or two, and he did manage to find one - the approach to a footbridge over the highway....We explored the surprisingly extensive areas of bushland around his part of Bracken Ridge pretty thoroughly (and Mile High explored them more thoroughly than most, going at least half a km off track!) There were no birds visible from the hide that we visited, but perhaps our cries of "On, on!" didn't really fit with the generally recommended approach to birdwatching.

We gathered back at Eweshggr's for pies, peas and liquid refreshment. Many thanks to him and his kitchen elves!

Escargot recently enjoyed a run and a visitor's down, down with the London Hash. Do you see anything wrong with these pictures? Yes, you got it! The sun is shining and the sky is blue! (Her purple Samford Hash shirt certainly shows up, doesn't it?)

Next run details
When: Sunday 17th April, 4 pm
Where: Hidden World Playground, 411 Roghan Road, Fitzgibbon. A map!
Hares: Shockjock, Miss Demeanour and Co.

On, on!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Bushed in Bunya

He'd been well out in front of the other walkers for most of the trail, so what had happened to Shaggy? The gathered crowd was baffled - but by the time the search party set off he'd pretty well found his own way home. (He had inadvertently added a long diversion along the runners' outward route to his afternoon stroll.) It was good to see him and to stop worrying about what we were going to tell Cadbury.

This was our first 4 pm run for 2016, but the temperatures were far from autumnal. They didn't seem to affect visitor Tinkerbell who embarrassed the rest of the runners by taking on the role of front runner pretty well all the way around the loop:

Our hares, as usual, laid on a crowd-pleasing and rib-sticking meal. They followed this up with a real treat on a hot afternoon: ice blocks!

Thanks again to Jamesbondage and Redbreast!

Our 2 Camino walkers - Floater and Legover - are now in Paris en route to the Spanish boarder (sorry, border.) We'll keep track of their progress as best we can.

Next run details
When: Sunday 10th April, 4 pm
Where: Eweshgger's Bracken Ridge bungalow
Hare: Eweshgger

(If you need directions to this run, please email us at samfordhash@gmail.com

On, on!