Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Footsie's first time!

It's official - Footsie is no longer a virgin! She teamed up with Hash veteran Escargot to lay on our 2015 Halloween event, and 30 of us turned up to enjoy it.

As usual, there were some pretty scary costumes - and those who came au naturale were, if anything, even scarier....

Ghostly visitor Jake the Peg:

Zombie Culture:

Devil woman:

Payback shows how handy he can be:

Toga the hellhound and friends:

A scary pair:

And another scary pair:

And the scariest pair of all:

Is that you, Casper?

What a horrible, horrible sight!

Little Squirt shines:

The witch of the mountain:

The runners' loop took them up Eaton's Hill itself (Corncob remarked that around Gympie - where he comes from - it would be called Eaton's Pimple) before they joined the walkers' trail for a circuit through the leafy neighbouring burbs. Some beaut curry, cake and ice cream followed. Thanks, hares!

There were down, downs for our hares and visitor, and - just for the hell of it - some more for Le W*nk and Corncob. These pics illustrate once more that phones make good...well, er, phones:

Next week we're at St Lucia and the route may well include a ferry ride. Superhacker has however promised a dog-friendly alternative for those who don't want to leave their canines behind. Please bring your Go Cards for the trip - i.e. either bring a Go Card or bring a dog.

Next run details
When: Sunday 1st November, 5 pm
Where: Guyatt Park, St Lucia. Remember to bring your Go Cards for the fairies - sorry, ferries! A map! (Parking in Hiron St.)
Hares: Superhacker and Hopalong

On, on!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Oktoberfest 2015

The statistics speak for themselves: we went through 40 bottles of Bitburger and Löwenbräu (plus other beers), 35 Knödel (dumplings), 6 bottles of “Champers” (plus other wine), 5 kilos of Bratwurst, 2.5 kilos of ordinary snags, litres of Sauerkraut, uncountable pretzels, and then 2 and half Schwälder Kirschtorten. No wonder we all enjoyed ourselves!

The video shot by Charcoal captures some of the flavour of this year's Oktoberfest celebratory run:

And here are some selected shots from Charcoal's camera. 

Mile High tops up his precious bodily fluids before the run:

The group who set off, minus the latecomers:

Semaphore: R U?

On the trail:

Back at the hares' - under the vines:

Our hares had done a great job of decorating the venue:

This was also an occasion for celebrating Strine's birthday:

Give a dog a bone? Give a dog a beer!

More, please!

There are more pics to follow - and more from Superhacker's party last week as well. We'll have to have a catch-up post soon.

Next week we'll be celebrating Halloween. Virgin hare Footsie will be assisted by Hash veteran Escargot (who'll have been hashing for 20 years next March - so she's far from being a virgin!) For some reminders of previous Halloween events, click here, and here, and here.

Please note that this will also be our first 5 pm run for the season. REPEAT - 5 pm start time from this Sunday on!

Next run details
When: Sunday 25th October, 5 pm - REPEAT 5 pm!
Hares: Footsie and Escargot
Where: H T Ireland Reserve, Saraband Drive, Eaton's Hill. A map!

On, on!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Brilliant birthday bash

Superhacker laid on something special to celebrate her birthday this last weekend - a brilliant bash at the Farmers' Hall. The tables groaned with food, Shockjock's 3 kegs ran out halfway through the evening, and the dancing got simultaneously more difficult and more enjoyable as the night went on. A great party - many thanks to her!

Birthday girl in tartan trews:

The Braveheart Brothers:

Hopalong did a great job:

And the birthday candles did a great job too:

Perhaps we are better at running and walking (and eating and drinking) than we are at dancing...

And what is that you're drinking, young lady?

Was it just me, or did people get a bit blurry as time went on?

Our hares for Sunday didn't stint on enjoying themselves the night before:

A pleasant recovery run the next day started with some bush bashing in which our hare Jamesbondage himself lost the trail! Surprisingly for the Bunya area, there was the odd hill or two...and Le W*nk claimed to be mopping pure alcohol from his sweaty brow. Considering his condition the night before, that might not have been pure fantasy.

Some great curry was followed by leftover desserts and birthday cake. Thanks, hares.

And more celebrations are coming up this Sunday - it's Charcoal and Strine's Oktoberfest Run!

Next run details
When: Sunday 18th October, 4 pm
Where: Charcoal and Strine's waterside retreat
Hares: Charcoal and Strine

(If you need directions to this run please email us.)

On, on!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hashy Birthday, Bigtop!

Unseasonably warm, this last Sunday...but Dayboro was as green and pretty as it usually is. Our hares had set a pleasant circuit for the runners and three (3!) different routes for walkers, to allow for varying levels of enthusiasm and fitness. We adjourned afterwards to one of the hares' wide verandahs where Banger lived up to his name, sizzling four (4!) different varieties of sausage from the famous Dayboro sausage man. Thanks, guys!

We celebrated Bigtop's birthday with a mudcake. Urass looks very hungry in this shot, and I'm not sure if it's just for the cake:

It seems hardly any time since a number of us joined her for a big birthday banquet in Tuscany. Click here for some reminders of that occasion...when Eloise was just a bump.

We have another big birthday celebration this coming weekend for Superhacker. It should be lots of fun, and I suspect many of us will take up her challenge and wear our Activewear....

Next run details
When: Sunday 11th October
Where: Jamesbondage and Redbreast's Bunya safehouse
Hares: Redbreast and Jamesbondage

(If you need directions to this run, please email us)

On, on!