Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dog Politics

My dog can bark like a Congressman, fetch like an aide, beg like a press secretary, and play dead like a receptionist when the phone rings.
Gerold Solomon, US Congressman

Once again a call went out to all hash members to gather at Clear Mountain.  The hares listed the safety requirements for this gentle walk and run, walking sticks, two days water supply (for the easy walk) GPS, search and rescue dogs (4 dogs answered the call,  and a ball of fluff). The Channel 7 Rescue Chopper was on standby.

We all set off into the forest, (a head count was needed). The run was a good run, even if it was set with invisible flour but Charcoal did make up for it with his frothy milk Black Adder Style.


B &W kept the runners  entertained with his mid run pirouette with dog, (the group gave him a ten out of ten).

[What follows is an account of a hash hound disgracing himself. The hash horrors have voted.. and  George the grunter is  George No. 1 and this concerns George No.2  - are you with me so far, thought not - we'll just blame the whole thing on LeW*nk - I blame the parents quite honestly]

One of the search and rescue dogs George No 2 had to take flight and help to round up some poor small dogs (Chihuahua-rat like things) which he did with ease.  Why the owners of the rats didn’t appreciate the efforts of the highly trained search and rescue dog was beyond us all….it may have been because George No. 2 was not actually supposed to follow the rats into the human house at high speed.  The runners group took great delight in the spectacle of George No. 2 looping the lounge room chasing the rats and then being hauled outside by the scruff of the neck by rats' owner (rubber thong in the other hand noted).  LeW*nk retrieved his dog and both scarpered away with tails between their legs. 

And all this under the watchful gaze of  two visiting Dog Trainers from Japan

The On-On featured delicious pasta and meatballs. Great hash run and walk Charcoal and Strine!

There was talk of setting up a Samford bike hash (once a month) Amazing floated this idea with some of the other hashers last week, format is roughly worked out, once a month, meeting Sunday morning or Saturday afternoon (or combinations of both so long as it doesn’t detract from the Sunday afternoon hash walks), easy rides, mainly flat to start, meeting at different points etc, followed by morning or afternoon tea at a coffee shop in the vicinity of the ride.  Tentitive start date Saturday afternoon 9th November in the city. Who is keen? 

The red dress run is scheduled for Monday December 9th.

Meanwhile in Cambridge Payback, B-Flat, Megaphone, Malpractice and Cashconverta pose on a bridge

Malpractice takes a punt. Megaphone and Trudy hedge their bets.

Credit to LeW*nk, Amazing, and Payback for large chunks of the prose here

Next weeks run 
When: Sunday November 3rd @ 5pm
Where: Big Top's Stafford Heights Homestead (email us for directions to this run)
Hares:BigTop and HardCore

Monday, October 21, 2013

Stayin' Alive

Thanks again to LeW*nk for the Hash Update

Well it was a lovely mid-spring day at Redcliffe (then the Hash arrived).  A mid-size pack made the journey down to Redcliffe complete with four canine hashers.  There wasn’t a cheating bike in sight.  Topless set a great run and walk along the esplanade walkway.  The track was flat but long with much sightseeing to be done.  We passed the Bee Gees Walk of Fame (the runners ran past said Walk of Fame).  Strangled notes could be heard as the classic Bee Gee’s tunes were mauled by the runners.  The artwork didn’t stop at the Walk of Fame, never have so many Southern Crosses been on display, they were everywhere (on calves & shoulders).  The walkers dodged bicycles, children and the odd stray missile from kids playing ball games on the beach.  It was a beautiful setting for an evening walk.


For the record books, the On On was ON!  Three different hot dishes with a green salad, followed a lovely German dessert.  The best was saved for last, the plunger caramel coffee complete with FROTHY MILK.  (Cannot wait until next week’s run Charcoal).

Thanks Topless, great run and on on.
Can you all please check your diaries as the hash run/walk sheet has some blank spaces.

And here is a postcard from MileHigh and HugandKiss

We have been keeping tabs on your Sunday adventures while we
have been enjoying ourselves in the other hemisphere.
We've tramped the desert in Dubai, negotiated the crowds in New York and
floated on lakes and canals in Ontario. Tonight we begin training across
Canada to Vancouver and are having an absolutely fabulous time.

  • NY Naked Cowboy

  • Hugandkiss and friends

  • Helpful Sign Dubai

Next run details
When: Sunday 27th October, 5 pm
Where: Corner Buranda Road and Clear Mountain Road, Clear Mountain
Hares: Charcoal and Strine

Monday, October 14, 2013

Eye Candy ... The Jacarandas were very pretty

Thanks to Amazing and LeW*nk who composed this weeks run/walk report to avoid a conflict of interest. 

Well, my fellow hashers, the hare (SuperHacker) set us 3 options - run, bike or walk along the banks of the Brisbane River, on the City Cat, and the Hall of Learning at St Lucia Campus.   

On arrival we were broken into three groups, bikers (which is not a real hash, and only for the ageing – it was pleasing to see one member of a particular family determined to stay true to Hash values and did not ride and said riding a bike was cheating) walking, and the elite running group (getting towed by their long suffering dogs).

Off we all went on different paths.  The walkers set off to the Hall of Learning at St Lucia Campus where they were able to embrace Nicene theory and the laws of bio physics amongst other things. The Hash Hounds contemplated a brief course in film studies as then sashayed across the foyer carpet of the Schonell Theatre. 

The bike hash, to my understanding, took the City Cat. So why did they bring bikes? (must be a bike thing).  Their path took them across the river and along the bike path back to the on on.  The elite dogs towing runners, Le W*nk and ShockJock, were guided along the walking paths to the city. As ShockJock kept pointing out there was a lot to look at along this path, and silent prayers of thanks were offered to the hare for setting the run along the river at 5pm on a Sunday night.

We were fortunate to host and welcome some new and old members, Radar (welcome back as always – and who I believe was also offering silent prayers of thanks to the hare for the path through the University Campus – something about appreciating the scholarly minds or some such thing), and friend Jake the Peg who's just returned from a holiday in the Andes and Peru (tough life for some) and we also had a visitor from Taiwan Cliffhanger. Apparently at his kennel everyone is supposed to carry whistles in case they fall over cliffs!

The on on was great thanks to Superhacker’s culinary talents.

The run also welcomed the return of BigTop and HardCore from their travels, the food must have been great as Jackie was looking slightly rounder than when she left us.  

The Hash Doulas Scientifically determining the gender of Hardcore's baby

And as if all that wasn’t enough it was also a celebration of Superhacker's birthday.  The unruly choir could be heard mauling the ‘happy birthday ditty’ from suburbs away.  A successful outing all round.
Meanwhile in Tuscany

Next run details
When: Sunday 20th October, 5 pm
Where: Topless's Margate mansion (email us for directions to this run)
Hare: Topless

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

If you go down to the woods today..

And so it was that 15 of us went down to the Woods memorial playground, this Sunday.  A number of sins were committed; including gaily gadding about (LeW*nk)*, Playing and Shouting (Nipliquor, Hopalong and Fleabite). Worst of all was "laying a trail by bicycle and submitting one's spouse to a horrendously steep false trail"  (ShockJock). Superhacker decided that it was safer to stay at home, at least until dinner was served, when she showed up with a bevvy of hungry students.

For noting:  the original lyrics would have had us going down in the woods, but this is a family hash. 
*Exclusive Runners Report
It was a day in the park. We played on swings and slipped down the slide ,
ShockJock set the run and walk by bike again, He claimed that he used a large amount of flour and chalk, which foolish us believed him , we were only 5 mins in the run and he claim this is the unmarked section , this section only went on for the next 7km..
Master Brewer Shock Jock had to endure a down down of about a litre of the left over beer nobody likes.

But on the upside, there was a delicious home made meat and veg pie with salad. Thanks again to our hares ShockJock and Misdemeanor.

There was a toast to our birthday girl BigTop far away in sunny Tuscany, and a farewell to Kermit who's off to do a four month stint in Darwin. 

Thank goodness that  at six o'clock our Mummies and Daddies took us home to bed 'cause we were tired little beer soaked Teddy Bears

Next run details
When: Sunday 13th October, 5 pm note later starting time
Where:Corner Hiron and Bryce Sts Nr Guyatt Park Ferry Terminal
Bring your Go Cards
Hares: Hopalong and Superhacker

On, on! 



Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Real runners and reptiles

Superhacker was off doing something idiotic on a bicycle down the Gold Coast, so thanks to LeW*nk for this update. At last there were some real runners. There was also a perplexing (to those who weren't there) showdown that involved reptiles and amphibians.

A small but vocal group made the drive to Sunny Dayboro.  There were four runners and George. Five walkers set off with two more dogs, and Charcoal stayed back reading the Fin news.


As always in Dayboro there were hills. There were up hills, and there were down hills, I think you get my drift, then there was the biggest hill of them all, Banger and MakeAnOffer's drive way.  We should just do laps of that drive way.

The on on was great. There were four different types of sausages from the local butcher and a great range of salads. EweShaggr and Banger showed off the "snakes", Banger won , but EweShaggr, who is right even when he is wrong, went one better and pulled out a green tree frog, (where was he hiding that?) 

Wheres's the beef was telling us of seeing fireworks, with in your dreams, in their bedroom on Saturday night,  Apparently that is the best place to get a good view of RiverFire. I leave the rest up to your imagination.

LeW*nk shared some great jokes which had us all in fits off laugher , 

Great run , Great food , Big thank you to Banger and MakeAnOffer

Superhacker you can do your special thing etc 

Well thank you LeW*nk 

In further news from our little Auslanders; Payback and Cashconverter took the Singapore tourist board at their word and Stayed an extra four days for something Uniquely Singapore. Cashconverter's interpretation was a couple of nights in hospital. I am assured she is properly on the mend now,  and that festivities for BigTop's birthday in Tuscany next weekend are on track.

No, we're not jealous at all. Not us, No.

Photo credit National Geographic

Next run details
When: Sunday 6th October, 5 pm note later starting time
Where: Woods Memorial Playground , Ashgrove
Hares: Miss Demeanour and Shockjock

On, on!