A lot of us were away, but 14 bunnies still turned up for a hop in an Easter-ly direction along Cedar Creek. The weather was well-behaved and the pools alng the creek were very scenic beneath a canopy of weeping lilipillies....
The hares' driveway again provided an opportunity for some members to practice their advanced driving skills.
Here's the recipe for...
Culture's Amazing 3 Ingredient Fruit Cake:
1 kg mixed dried fruit
600 ml chocolate or coffee flavoured milk
2 cups self-raising flour
(plus spices to taste)
- Steep fruit in flavoured milk overnight in refrigerator
- Grease and line cake tin
- Cook at 180/160 (fan-forced oven) for 1 hr 15 mins to 1 hr 30 min. Check with skewer.
- May need to add more fluid (alcohol works well)
- Can make your own flavoured milk and hence adjust sugar and fat levels
- Crust may be too chewy - but is thin and easily trimmed off
Next week we'll celebrate Labour Day with an anarchic Keep the Red Flag Flying run set by Toss O'Coin. Catering will be by Potluck.
Thereafter the Hare Line goes as follows:
Run 1046 - 8 May (Mothers' Day Run) - Bigtop and Co.
Run 1047 - 15 May - Payback and Cash Converta
Run 1048 - 22 May - Wizbanger and Hot to Trot
Run 1049 - 29 May - Charcoal and Strine (Charcoal's Birthday Run)
Run 1050 - 5 June - Redbreast and Jamesbondage
Next run details:
When: Sunday 1 May, 4 pm
Where: Undambi Rotary Reserve (Corner Mt O'Reilly and Greggs Road)
Hares: Run set by Toss O'Coin. Catering by Potluck - please bring something to share.
On, on!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Well-prepared virgins
You remember the parable...the wise virgins were well prepared with lots of oil (it's less painful that way)...and our virgin hares were equally well prepared for a turn-out of thirty-something humanoids plus three or four canines....They laid on a classy run, and followed it up with some top quality nosh. Many thanks - a great debut!
Here's the group at the on, on - thanks to Topless for the photography!

We welcomed a couple of visitors - Randyroot and Ten Fingers - and conferred a Hash name on one of our naughtical hares - Sinbad. (We expect to find out just how bad as our acquaintance grows.) Payback and Superhacker had represented us at a meeting earlier in the day to start the planning process for Nash Hash in Brisbane - and they were able to report that things seemed to be going pretty well....
A very relaxed and informal Easter Egg run at Cedar Creek next Sunday. So many people are away it will be interesting to see if anyone turns up apart from the hares!
Next run details
When: Sunday 24th April, 4 pm
Where: Andy Williams Park, Cedar Creek Road
Hares: Haughty and Culture
On, on!
Here's the group at the on, on - thanks to Topless for the photography!

We welcomed a couple of visitors - Randyroot and Ten Fingers - and conferred a Hash name on one of our naughtical hares - Sinbad. (We expect to find out just how bad as our acquaintance grows.) Payback and Superhacker had represented us at a meeting earlier in the day to start the planning process for Nash Hash in Brisbane - and they were able to report that things seemed to be going pretty well....
A very relaxed and informal Easter Egg run at Cedar Creek next Sunday. So many people are away it will be interesting to see if anyone turns up apart from the hares!
Next run details
When: Sunday 24th April, 4 pm
Where: Andy Williams Park, Cedar Creek Road
Hares: Haughty and Culture
On, on!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Trials of strength
A bit of a testosterone-fest this Sunday, I'm afraid.
The dogs began it. Even before the run Heimie, Kumo and Jack were busy competing in scent-marking Leave Pass's gatepost. What incredible bladder capacities they all have!
Then afterwards the boys - including Upfront, Slammit, Payback and Wizbanger - all competed in pumping iron. Some would probably have done better at a scent-marking competition....but Leave Pass, our hare, was the clear winner, as he clean and jerked 60 kilos! He's well on his way to a Master's trophy!
The first of our winter runs was marked by crisp weather and verdant greenery...very pleasant. And the on, on meal featured a recipe handed down from generations of Leave Pass's ancestors, who just happened to have employed Mssrs. Woolworths to prepare it.,,,
News is that Lover Boy is back in Mongolia. Weekend entertainment available to him includes - besides Hash running, of course - driving a tank and firing off RPGs. He plans to give these a go, since Skirmish doesn't seem to be on offer. From his accounts of local driving habits, a tank is probably a good vehicle to get around in....
We have some virgin hares next week! Good on them!
Next run details
When: Sunday 17th April, 4 pm
Where: Samford Soccer Club, Richards Road
Hares: Junky and Co. Their first run ever!
On, on!
The dogs began it. Even before the run Heimie, Kumo and Jack were busy competing in scent-marking Leave Pass's gatepost. What incredible bladder capacities they all have!
Then afterwards the boys - including Upfront, Slammit, Payback and Wizbanger - all competed in pumping iron. Some would probably have done better at a scent-marking competition....but Leave Pass, our hare, was the clear winner, as he clean and jerked 60 kilos! He's well on his way to a Master's trophy!
The first of our winter runs was marked by crisp weather and verdant greenery...very pleasant. And the on, on meal featured a recipe handed down from generations of Leave Pass's ancestors, who just happened to have employed Mssrs. Woolworths to prepare it.,,,
News is that Lover Boy is back in Mongolia. Weekend entertainment available to him includes - besides Hash running, of course - driving a tank and firing off RPGs. He plans to give these a go, since Skirmish doesn't seem to be on offer. From his accounts of local driving habits, a tank is probably a good vehicle to get around in....
We have some virgin hares next week! Good on them!
Next run details
When: Sunday 17th April, 4 pm
Where: Samford Soccer Club, Richards Road
Hares: Junky and Co. Their first run ever!
On, on!
Monday, April 4, 2011
The last run of summer...
featured the sorts of ascents and descents we have come to expect from Charcoal's Clear Mountain trails. The runners were also led past some sites that would have been of great interest to an industrial archaeologist. Our untrained eyes were certainly not up to identifying the rusting car wrecks and appliances we passed...nor were we capable of working out how the heck they'd got to where they were.
The bush was beautifully green, with (native) Bursaria spinosa and (non-native) Allamanda cathartica in full flower. A few last stragglers were starting to cause us some concern as darkness fell - it's good we're moving to a 4 pm start!
We welcomed Wizbanger, Hot to Trot, Slammit and Upfront back from Perth and from their sickbeds. Other news is that Leave Pass is planning to complete in a Masters' Weightlifing Comp this year...in the Clean and Jerk? - or should that be Jerk and Clean?
Thanks to the hares for a scenic run/walk and some ribfilling pasta. And thanks to Yshggr for dessert!
Next run details
When: Sunday 10 April, 4pm - note this - 4pm - winter start time - 4pm!
Where: Leave Pass's Upper Kedron Kip (if you need directions, please email us)
Hare: Leave Pass
On, on!
The bush was beautifully green, with (native) Bursaria spinosa and (non-native) Allamanda cathartica in full flower. A few last stragglers were starting to cause us some concern as darkness fell - it's good we're moving to a 4 pm start!
We welcomed Wizbanger, Hot to Trot, Slammit and Upfront back from Perth and from their sickbeds. Other news is that Leave Pass is planning to complete in a Masters' Weightlifing Comp this year...in the Clean and Jerk? - or should that be Jerk and Clean?
Thanks to the hares for a scenic run/walk and some ribfilling pasta. And thanks to Yshggr for dessert!
Next run details
When: Sunday 10 April, 4pm - note this - 4pm - winter start time - 4pm!
Where: Leave Pass's Upper Kedron Kip (if you need directions, please email us)
Hare: Leave Pass
On, on!
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