Shockjock was hard to beat as the Aussie superhero, complete with cape:

But Urass is working on it...

And Payback's beer-ring was pretty stylish:

While the RA wore the most Okker shirt he could find:

Here's the pre-run group (minus the latecomers):

And now here's a selection of patriotic Aussies....
Is that really you, Posh?

A couple wearing their hearts on their chests:

Little Squirt and Groundsheet:

The stragglers:

A cheeky Aussie:

An honorary Aussie (NB "-ary", not "-able"):

A patriotic hound:

Snags cooking snags:

Here's the front of the label off Eweshggr's patriotic garment:

And here's the back...

Charcoal has a special affinity for the Ashes, and chose Oz Day to end it all:

But he thought better of it, and the evening ended with fireworks:

A great run, a great meal - thanks again to the patriotic hares!
Next run details
When: Sunday 30th January, 5 pm
Where: Ironbark Gully picnic area
Hares: Culture and Haughty
On, on!