The route went straight up the hill in the background and then straight down again. Those who missed out on that experience had the chance to recreate it this last Sunday. The route went straight up to the top of the Brian Burke reserve and then straight down again. Some loved it, some hated it, but you can't always please 20 people and 4 dogs running in the cold and rain....
At the on, on we honoured Redbreast and Jamesbondage, who were just about to set out for several weeks in Cape York and its environs. Perhaps they'll meet up with Floater and Scratchit, who set off at the end of June for several years travelling Australia....We also welcomed a visitor - Randyroot - and celebrated Miss Demeanour's new job!
The photographers among us are starting to sort out their Interhash photos, so here are a few of Eweshggr's for starters.
Laksa at the local cafe - where they learnt to make such strange things as coffee without condensed milk and hard-boiled eggs, and where we enjoyed fern fronds for breakfast:

The Culture Inn - where they learnt to put up with us:

A Hash walk to the local laundry:

On the Bas Sekulah en route to one of the runs:

The circles were a bit larger than the usual Samford ones:

Some members hashing around town...on right!

Lost trail...

The Hash venue at the Civic Centre saw lots of eating and drinking:

Although there were concerns at times that the drink was hard to get to:

The venue was just a great place for hanging around:

And meeting old mates from round the world:

More photos to follow in coming weeks!
Next run details
When: Sunday 1st August, 4 pm
Where: One of Wizbanger and Hot to trot's many homes...if you need directions please contact us
Hares: Wizbanger and Hot to trot
On, on!