And here he is again, showing that he has mastered the "kissing the medal" pose - it only took him three or four goes to find his mouth...

Once again our hares Payback and Cash Converta laid an excellent Oz Day trail along the South Pine and followed this up with some excellent traditional fare - featuring vegemite, meat pies, snags and lamingtons. Thanks, guys. We made it all the way through a rendition of "Walzing Matilda", and we also celebrated a naming. "Nip-liquor" ("Nipper" for short) was awarded his new moniker with the usual ceremony.
Here's the group who made it to this year's event gathered at the old homestead:

And here's a little story for Australia Day:
A burnt out advertising executive decides he has had enough of the rat race and buys a property way out west. No TV, no mobile reception, no stress....
However, after a week or two he's starting to get a bit tired of his own company. So he's actually relieved to see a dust cloud coming towards him from over the horizon one afternoon. A battered ute pulls up and an old bushie gets out.
"G'day, mate! I'm your closest neighbour, live about 50 miles up the road. Thought I'd come over, introduce meself, and ask you to a bash to welcome you to the area."
"A party! That sounds great!" says the ad man.
"I hear you city boys like your drugs and drink so I've got some of that stuff for ya."
"Thanks! That's very kind!"
"Mind though, we tend to get a bit punchie and horny round here after lots of drugs and drink. Do ya reckon ya could handle yerself if a blue kicks off or if a bit of sex is on the cards?"
"I'll be right," says the ad man. "Look, this all sounds great. When is the party and what should I wear?"
"You decide," says the bushie. "This is only going to be you and me...."
Next run details
When: Sunday 31st January, 5 pm
Where: Cedar Creek Road turnoff (corner Mt Samson and Cedar Creek Roads)
Hares: Culture and Haughty
On, on!