Monday, March 3, 2025

It's been a while...

since we were at Undambi, and when we got there we found a 5th birthday party in full swing. It was nice to see that we are not the only ones to use the facilities, and by the time we'd got back from the walk and run they were all clear. Led by M. Promptu, the walkers set off along the shady banks of the South Pine, while the runners completed a pleasant circuit by way of the Days Road track.

Back at the park, Potluck once again provided a very tasty, nutritious and varied feast. How lucky we are to have so many brilliant cooks in our midst! Thanks to all for their contributions!

It sounds as though B & W has had yet another lucky escape after ending up underneath a overturned machine - with no bones broken. He's a risk-taking boy, and really should have bought a Lotto ticket after this incident....

Here are some of Snappy's pictures from the occasion.

The gathering:

The walk:

 Back at the park:

Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 9th March, 5 pm
Where: Idle Vice and Upstanding's Wilston homestead
Hares: Upstanding and Idle Vice

Please bring chairs! And if you need directions to this run, please email us.

On, on!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Another good turnout on Sunday for a picturesque meander around Warner Lakes. The flat trail was appreciated by Floater and Kermit who are gradually getting back into exercising. Although, Kermit did run out of steam and was rescued by Culture. This recalls an old navy saying, "never leave your mates behind".

Make an Offer and Banger provided a good old Aussie barbie which went down very well with the ravenous hashers.

And here are some photos taken by Cashconverta and Snappy.

                                          Last but not least. Here is a photo from Haughty
                                          showing the dangers of running in South Africa. 
                                          The manhole cover is probably gone by now.

Next run/walk details
When:  Sunday 2 March, 5 pm
Where: Undambi Rotary Reserve, Mt O'Reilly Road, Samford Valley. Here's a map
Hares:  Potluck. Please bring some food to share and don't forget your chairs.

On, on